The Festival syllabus contains the Festival rules, 51 pages of approved repertoire for Levels Preparatory through 10, theory test study guides by level, and ratings criteria. Every teacher entering students in Festival will need to be thoroughly familiar with the information included in the syllabus.
You may download and print the black & white syllabus here. Experienced teachers may wish to instead print the color version, which shows pieces that have moved levels in green text, as well as new pieces and sources in blue text. For a video summarizing changes resulting from the 15-month-long syllabus revision process unveiled in 2020, click here.
Purchase a coil-bound copy of the complete syllabus here.
Below are PDFs of the syllabus by level or division (upper/lower):
For each piece, the syllabus specifies editions of music and page numbers to help you locate that piece. These editions are just suggestions – any legally published or printed music is acceptable. Click here to view the list of abbreviations used.
Details & Guidelines
Ratings Criteria
Festival Theory Test preparation materials: